well... first it rains, then it pours, then it floods. Suffice it to say my doctor, while a good surgeon.... is none the less a total fucking idiot. Apparently, even though the hand he operated on isn't better yet, and he hasn't treated the other one yet.. I was released to FULL DUTY!!!!! NO RESTRICTIONS ON EITHER HAND!!!!!!!!!! because "It's our policy not to keep people off work this long, and the doctor refuses to change it." Can we say Homicidal urges???. . . Damn right we can. We can also say second opinion, possible lawsuit and broken kneecaps...... but I get ahead of myself..... first the second opinion
the knees can wait.
Hopefully I'll have something good to say next update. . . whenever that is.

Hopefully I'll have something good to say next update. . . whenever that is.