Well, I finally got aroung to having my septum stretched. I must say... it was surprisingly brutal. Then again, everyone I talk to says that 10ga is always the worst so... I suppose it was normal. Definately hurt worse than the initial piercing... but that's just because it was a prolonged experience I suppose. I love how it looks though. Now I just gotta get my friend to get me a nice 8ga titanium piece for wholesale.. and I'll be ready for the next, and probably final stretching ... give or take a few weeks of course.
more later
more later
Ouch! Ok, double ouch.
Glad to see you survived the holidays. I'm finally almost back into some state of normalcy... well, as close as I can get, anyway.
After my long absence, I'm going to try to stir up the group a little in the next day or two. That is, of course, if we're not all dead!!!