As I sit here listening to 'old music' ... jefferson airplane, early bits from the cult and billy idol ect. I once again stop to ponder the ramifications this workers comp shit will have on me. I have 12 days untill my surgery.... which, if it helps, shall lead to the same on the other wrist. The surgery doesn't bother or worry me... it's the though of not being able to go back to work at gibson that bothers me.... or more specifically.... job hunting with what will be, as of tomorrow, 6 facial piercings, not counting the tongue or ears.... I figure they are to common to be an issue.... But once I get my labrets tomorrow.... I'll have a septum, 3 lip and 2 labrets... I know retainers are getting better and better at hiding shit... but that's gonna be a whole lot of stuff in very close proximity. What this boils down to, is this; if I have to find a new job I will probably be relegated to working at Hot Topic, or some other equally shitty low paying job that happens to cater to the 'subculture' I happen to inhabbit. My only ray of hope is... that if I can't go back to gibson, then I should get a settlement.. which, hopefully shall be enough I can afford to have some little part time job and go back to school. If not to finish my computer courses.. then to take something beneficial. God only know that trade cert from job corps I was forced to get (retail) has been worth less than the paper and leather it's printed on. If all else fails, I'll go take the art courses I nedd to get back to being able to draw again (long story there) and seek an apprenticeship with Ben if he'll take me. Drawing is my only weakness... I can visualise it... I can describe it so someone else can draw it... but ever since a few drug related experiences I can't make it come out on paper any more... but that can be remedied..... I hope.
Gee... I was gonna try to be positive huh? .... uhhhh
.... finishing my giger tat finally, plus getting my family tat, plus 2 labrets tomorrow!!!!!!! ... that'll have to do for good and happy news for now.... my concussion induced migraine is throbbing waaaayy to much for me to put much effort into sounding happy right now.
pics to follow...
Later all
Gee... I was gonna try to be positive huh? .... uhhhh
.... finishing my giger tat finally, plus getting my family tat, plus 2 labrets tomorrow!!!!!!! ... that'll have to do for good and happy news for now.... my concussion induced migraine is throbbing waaaayy to much for me to put much effort into sounding happy right now.

pics to follow...
Later all