Well, due to a very sick son, Ben had to leave, thus forcing me to reschedule my apt.. so no new ink yet.
But that's ok, I certainly can't be angry at him for taking care of his kid now can I??? ... course not. So instead I shall be getting inked on Tuesday. Not tomorrow... next Tuesday.. the 29th. Since he alreaqdy has the stencil prepared and whatnot, the only decision I have to make is do I want to get my pair of labrets now, or wait till Jason gets back from Cali in a week? I trust my other piercer and all... hell Jason trained him, but Jason's been doing this for 17 years so... I just trust him more.
In other news, the kitty, Squishy, also know as 'little bastard' continues to make a complete ass of himself with his catnip toys, among other times. I've gotten used to waking up with him on my pillow kneading my head while I was sleeping and all... but this morning I woke up and the lil bastard was chewing on my industrial... more specifically, the top ball on it. Hehe, I was sooo waiting for him to chip a tooth.. but no such luck.
I'll update when I have something amusing to say... or pics of new ink.. which ever comes first.

In other news, the kitty, Squishy, also know as 'little bastard' continues to make a complete ass of himself with his catnip toys, among other times. I've gotten used to waking up with him on my pillow kneading my head while I was sleeping and all... but this morning I woke up and the lil bastard was chewing on my industrial... more specifically, the top ball on it. Hehe, I was sooo waiting for him to chip a tooth.. but no such luck.
I'll update when I have something amusing to say... or pics of new ink.. which ever comes first.

I'm with you on the little bastard thing. Now that it's gotten colder here, my cat has gotten back to climbing up high on stuff where it's warmer. Came home to a few things broken after she climbed up on the shelves above my desk. Oh well, what you gonna do... guess I'll go pet her fuzzy little head now. Hope all is well down your way.