As hard as it is to believe.... I actually managed to have a good and rather pleasant weekend
I made my plans to go pick up my aunts new door up here in town and haul it with me down to see her in Waverly to save her a trip. Bear in mind I haven't been to Waverly in.... 10 years... so I forgot just how far it was from here. I'm figuring.. 20-30 minutes... nothing major.... WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe, 87.25 miles from my house to hers. It was worth it though. I got to spend 3 days visiting some family I haven't seen in many years, plus a couple I had never met. So when I get there I say hi to the first aunt- Vicky, as well as Mom, and my cousin Amber and her little hellion of a child (4year old). Within 20 minutes of getting there, I get dragged by Mom and Amber to the bar to see the bartender- Aunt Cheryl, the first of my long lost family. I hadn't seen her in about 14 years. So after a few cokes (yeah yeah, they only served beer at the bar and you know me... no liquor.. no drinky) I was lazily shooting pool... badly, when a cute little number walked up and said hi. She flirted a few minutes and finally joined in at pool. After a couple of games I look over and see all the family + 1 person who looked... oddly familiar watching me and wearing shit-eating grins. Finally Amber comes over and whispers to me that the stranger is, in fact, my Uncle Bobby.. who I haven't seen since I was 4, so... going on 20 years. and the little tease playing pool is his daughter!
So I just stand there for a minute, then bust out laughing. The girl/cousin (Brittany) demanded ! ! ! ! to know what was so funny, so Amber told her, then she got all ashamed and blushed rather brightly, over the flirting I suppose, I just grinned and winked. (Yeah I know I'm mean like that) So many hours later we got home and crashed. The next day was just lazing about watching tv and such, with a 'brief' (3 hour) trek through the local cemetery looking for old and interesting gravestones.... didn't find any
And I spent the last day, today, playing electrician and installing ceiling fans. Word of advice.... " if the house is old enough to have glass screw in fuses... do NOT trust the circuit breaker labeling. Turns out the living room ceiling light was a recent addition/tie in by the owner who is apparently a complete idiot. So, I got a couple I healthy jolts till we found the proper breaker to pull.
Ehh, no harm no foul. As the old adage goes, "It's the VOLT the jolts, but it's the CURRENT that kills." And basic household wiring carries rather low amperage so... no biggie. Although the one that went though my right arm across the chest and down the left arm into the ladder COULD have been troublesome.... but it wasn't.
I guess my damn luck is still holding ehh?
All in all, I had fun and a good weekend... and that's all I can ask for these days. Now I'm off to the doc in... 9 hours... no sleep for the wicked I guess.
Later all.
I made my plans to go pick up my aunts new door up here in town and haul it with me down to see her in Waverly to save her a trip. Bear in mind I haven't been to Waverly in.... 10 years... so I forgot just how far it was from here. I'm figuring.. 20-30 minutes... nothing major.... WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe, 87.25 miles from my house to hers. It was worth it though. I got to spend 3 days visiting some family I haven't seen in many years, plus a couple I had never met. So when I get there I say hi to the first aunt- Vicky, as well as Mom, and my cousin Amber and her little hellion of a child (4year old). Within 20 minutes of getting there, I get dragged by Mom and Amber to the bar to see the bartender- Aunt Cheryl, the first of my long lost family. I hadn't seen her in about 14 years. So after a few cokes (yeah yeah, they only served beer at the bar and you know me... no liquor.. no drinky) I was lazily shooting pool... badly, when a cute little number walked up and said hi. She flirted a few minutes and finally joined in at pool. After a couple of games I look over and see all the family + 1 person who looked... oddly familiar watching me and wearing shit-eating grins. Finally Amber comes over and whispers to me that the stranger is, in fact, my Uncle Bobby.. who I haven't seen since I was 4, so... going on 20 years. and the little tease playing pool is his daughter!
Ehh, no harm no foul. As the old adage goes, "It's the VOLT the jolts, but it's the CURRENT that kills." And basic household wiring carries rather low amperage so... no biggie. Although the one that went though my right arm across the chest and down the left arm into the ladder COULD have been troublesome.... but it wasn't.
I guess my damn luck is still holding ehh?
All in all, I had fun and a good weekend... and that's all I can ask for these days. Now I'm off to the doc in... 9 hours... no sleep for the wicked I guess.
Later all.
Survived another close call, I see. You know, that's not exactly the best way I can think of to get lit.