Well.. since I've been off work as long as I have.. yes I am indeed a broke fucker
so I shall be going gray.. I dunno.. I probably have a week or so left. I'm not 100% when/if I'll make it back so.. To the couple of people I actually talk to on here. So long and it was great to have known you, I...
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Tis been lil while since I updated .... but then again I never said I update often
Things have been... I dunno... up and down I suppose. The bad shit that all came to a head a few years ago .. I dunno.. I guess it destroyed my neutral balance for lack of a better description. Everyone has a neutral position they drift to; take...
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"These days however, there are still a lot of holes in the wall."
Here's to holes in the wall, and to the adventures that fill them. Been very slack lately, but I'm still around. More than a few dilemmas on my end as well. Can't even begin to imagine how many rounds have gone through my M&P 40. That takes care of the anger, but doesn't do much for depression. Maybe a 5.7x28 would help!
As for ink, 10 hrs in on my first piece and probably the same amount to go. Next session, Mar. 2nd. Maybe I'll get off my ass and post picks before too long.
Anyway, hope life decides to deal a pleasant surprise for both of us. Sounds like we could both use it.
Here's to holes in the wall, and to the adventures that fill them. Been very slack lately, but I'm still around. More than a few dilemmas on my end as well. Can't even begin to imagine how many rounds have gone through my M&P 40. That takes care of the anger, but doesn't do much for depression. Maybe a 5.7x28 would help!

As for ink, 10 hrs in on my first piece and probably the same amount to go. Next session, Mar. 2nd. Maybe I'll get off my ass and post picks before too long.
Anyway, hope life decides to deal a pleasant surprise for both of us. Sounds like we could both use it.
All aboard, indeed! My problem is knowing where in hell the ship is headed before I get on board!
That just never seems to happen. Hope things have been going well for you and that they get nothing but better. When they choose not to, range time usually works for me!

yes tis a day or so late but since my phone was out.. bite my ass, lol.
2006 sign off -
1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
hmm..I guess giving myself a real piercing since the ear thing when I was 16 soo doesn't count.
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for...
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2006 sign off -
1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
hmm..I guess giving myself a real piercing since the ear thing when I was 16 soo doesn't count.
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for...
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soon my precious soon and dont worry I have light baby I have light.
btw when you gonna update?
Well... never let it be said that incessant whining won't get you somewhere with me. I finally updated my pictures on here.. the tattoo folder that was.. about 11 tattoos behind now has the pictures of pretty much everything except the newest one that I refuse to take a pic of yet... since it's still healing and peeling. In a week or so maybe.... if...
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Hope your newt queers was fun sorry I missed you
This is why cell phone numbers should be exchanged? hehe I will make it up to ya though in random spouts of nonesense next time we talk.

I have msn and yahoo. Msn which I like best is lilbitmorbid@hotmail.com and my yahoo is lilbitmorbid@yahoo.com add me and let me know which one you added me too. I have to go to work in a few minutes so I wont be back on until around 11:30 tonight. Hope to catch ya than?
Ha sorry Im EST and Im home early but the messenger things dont like me tonight. I sent a few messages to you and they got bounced back to me. I'll try again after restarting the comp.
Been a while since I updated but it's not like anyone ever reads my page anyway. Life, after up then down then back up and then really far down again, has finally risen back to a point where I'm *gasps* happy. The last five or so years have been a real bitch; I had nine friends die, NINE. I was forced to leave the woman...
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Life is and Acid lives... dunno much else to say. I took the 6k they offered me now becuase I simply couldn't afford to wait and fight for more. *shrugs* Fuck it. The sad part is.. looking back.... the only thing I would have done differently is I would have broken Joe's jaw like I did Ben last year. Oh well.. life lesson learned.
Yeah, I just love the way corporate America seems to increasingly say 'Thanks for busting your ass, now fuck off'. Oh well, at least I got in the last stroke of the reaming session with my layoff. It's nearly impossible to make a 70 billion dollar corporation feel it, but at least I'm not hurting. Anyway, hope things have been getting nothing but better for you since then. If not, go to the range and blow something up! It usually works for me!
Well ... it's been a couple weeks since I bothered updating... but I said I wouldn't until things got better.. and they have.
Insurance company did a 180 and offered me a settlement... only 3k but still it helps.... as of about 3 hours ago I finished my paperwork and such and have inrolled in Kaplan University (online, but a very nice acredited school) Acid...
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Insurance company did a 180 and offered me a settlement... only 3k but still it helps.... as of about 3 hours ago I finished my paperwork and such and have inrolled in Kaplan University (online, but a very nice acredited school) Acid...
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They offered you $3000? And you took it?
Doesn't seem like much...
Doesn't seem like much...
Get a lawyer.
Well.. I live... that's about it. The car is messed up and I'm still job hunting. Doctor pretty much screwed me outta getting a settlement. *shrugs* Life is returning to it's usual hell hole levels. Once I have a job and money again I'll be fine... I always bounce bad from this shit.
The only thing that's keeping me sane right now is my writing.....
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The only thing that's keeping me sane right now is my writing.....
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There's a lot I could say about the shit going on right now... but let's just say I'm alive for now, and I'll update when and if I manage tohave good news.

Make some shit up!
she is a sweet little girl!! kinda whiney at times but she's a baby. my other 2 seem to accept her as well!
i need to find a new tat artist... the girl we been going to sucks.
i need to find a new tat artist... the girl we been going to sucks.