Bam!!!. I'm rotten drunk and I am looking at porn. How awesome is that. I feel like some kind of awesome space cowboy, who likes porn, alcohol, Johnny Depp and really lame blog entries about space cowboys. Oh no... Thats right, it's not porn. It's artistic nudes. Whatever. Hooray for boobies!
and Hooray for pirates. Although this one does not look too much like Johnny Depp at all, which is not so cool after all apparently.

I challenge you to a fist fight... come on buddy let's get it on. I'm not going to stand for this kind of filth on a fine website like suicide girls so let's meet out the back of Oporto's in Newtown and fight!!!
First of all i'm going to soften you up with some rabbit punches to the kidneys, then i'm going to let some axe kicks rain down on you, finishing off this stunning sequence of finely choreographed ninja moves, i will partake in showering you with some bulgarian hammer curls to your abdomen.
you will be hanging onto your life by a fine thread, and i will bend down and whisper in your ear... "Suicide girls is not porn" and you would have learnt a valuable lesson.