So obviously I'm no S.G. model but I've seen a lot of them venting or discussing things serious in their lives so I guess I got inspired to do the same. Now I know I don't have a big following on here by any means so I honestly have no idea who will read this or even notice it but I'm going to talk about something I've been dealing with for the past couple months that I'm sure someone will relate to.
Before I start I just want to mention that I'm not a complainer and I hate venting about my problems but I feel like maybe if someone sees this who is going through something similar it might help them in some way.
So I got out of an abusive relationship in the end of June from a girl who didn't abuse me physically but mentally wore me down everyday. I finally had enough and broke up with her as hard as it was to do but it didn't end there. Since then she has tried to come back into my life a few times and sadly I have taken her back every time and ever time it was just her mentally abusing me making me feel like a piece of shit for breaking up with her. I have anxiety and depression so her words took a big toll on me and it had a very big impact on my life and it was the same slow struggle to recover every time. So this past week was the last time I let her into my life and I've promised myself and the two people in my life that I have that I will never take her back. I know it's the right thing to do but it's hurts that I have to give up on someone I love, there's a lot of emotions that take place after we break up a lot of self hate and disappointment in myself that I could let myself go through it again knowing she would just do the same thing to me again and again. But I know I'm better than her and I know I can find someone worth giving my time to so I guess all I'm trying to say is don't give up and don't get down on yourself for giving in again it isn't an easy thing to do but it does get easier and it will be for the best to let go no matter how hard it might be or how guilty you might feel just know in your mind that you deserve better.