New Years was a blast. I came up with this creative idea that would have been great for a party, but as always, people were cheap so
on them.
I got a bizillion chillian things I am looking foward to this year. It is funny how just from one day to another you have more to look foward to huh?
Besides that, I came up with the best video documentarty thing I have ever thought of to this date. I love it when inspiration hits at the oddest times!
Oh, and cock and balls...
New Years was a blast. I came up with this creative idea that would have been great for a party, but as always, people were cheap so

I got a bizillion chillian things I am looking foward to this year. It is funny how just from one day to another you have more to look foward to huh?
Besides that, I came up with the best video documentarty thing I have ever thought of to this date. I love it when inspiration hits at the oddest times!
Oh, and cock and balls...
apple bootie. there is always a first time and i hope you don't think apples are the devil.
one of your photos inspired me - i will attempt to load one of my own, but with my vast knowledge of computers and uncanny nack for making all my pics grainy, it might not turn as i hope. you might get a kick out of it.