Just in case any of you have ever doubted the awesomeness of the Fenchurch I of course never do here's further proof; my own personally special made Hitchhiker's Guide pillow!
Are you jealous? You should be. It almost makes me want to ditch my towel.
And just to add to the awesomeness I also wanna give props to my buddy Erin who is gonna have the website she made for her town's Chamber of Commerce spotlighted in her local paper soon; and it looks pretty kick ass too.
This is a girl that earlier this year didn't have a lick of web design knowledge, and almost in no time at all is now hand-coding clean, awesome looking, standards compliant websites. I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone I've ever taught

Are you jealous? You should be. It almost makes me want to ditch my towel.
And just to add to the awesomeness I also wanna give props to my buddy Erin who is gonna have the website she made for her town's Chamber of Commerce spotlighted in her local paper soon; and it looks pretty kick ass too.
This is a girl that earlier this year didn't have a lick of web design knowledge, and almost in no time at all is now hand-coding clean, awesome looking, standards compliant websites. I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone I've ever taught

i love the pillow!
Good to see you're still kicking around here.
Tho' likely without power. . .
[Edited on Aug 26, 2005 1:46PM]