The networks have returned to regularly scheduled programming so that's usually the official sign that another hurricane has come and gone. Next up, Ivan! Yay!
I went through the storm relatively unscathed. My power went out for a total of maybe a minute and my battery backup made sure I didn't skip a beat. The only real problem was that my satellite went out again; it went out during the tropical storm that hit before Charley.
I called DirecTV this morning and went through the joyous experience that is their customer service. After being bounced around between the same two departments, I finally got a top-tier rep to talk to. I think the highlight of the whole thing was this conversation:
Rep: "So what seems to be the problem?"
Me: "I went through the outer fringes of Hurricane Frances last night, and lost signal on my dish; I think it needs to be realigned"
Rep: "What does it say on your screen?"
Me: "Searching for signal"
Rep: "Have you been through any bad weather lately?"
No, I am not kidding. After I went through their troubleshooting steps they informed me that my dish needed to be realigned (no shit?!) and would send someone out by Friday morning.
Not really satisfied with losing TV for a week, after I've already been stuck in my apartment for 4 days straight, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I didn't have a ladder or any tools to realign the dish myself, so I used a wooden cabinet to stand on and tiny computer plyers to work with.
As if the precariousness of this situation weren't enough, I had the added pleasure of post-hurricane mosquitos (the worst kind) and a neighbor's gas-powered RC car to keep me company. To show the absolute class this guy had, he saw me working on the dish before he took his little car out and knew I was trying to listen to the signal strength to fix the dish. Yet he continued racing his loud as fuck car around me without hesitation. When I was done, he put his little car away and went back inside.
It's times like these that I wish I could kill people with just a stare.
Anyway, that's about it for me. I hope that all my SGFL folk made it through ok, and to those that are evacuated right now I hope that all your stuff is still in one piece when you get home.
I went through the storm relatively unscathed. My power went out for a total of maybe a minute and my battery backup made sure I didn't skip a beat. The only real problem was that my satellite went out again; it went out during the tropical storm that hit before Charley.
I called DirecTV this morning and went through the joyous experience that is their customer service. After being bounced around between the same two departments, I finally got a top-tier rep to talk to. I think the highlight of the whole thing was this conversation:
Rep: "So what seems to be the problem?"
Me: "I went through the outer fringes of Hurricane Frances last night, and lost signal on my dish; I think it needs to be realigned"
Rep: "What does it say on your screen?"
Me: "Searching for signal"
Rep: "Have you been through any bad weather lately?"
No, I am not kidding. After I went through their troubleshooting steps they informed me that my dish needed to be realigned (no shit?!) and would send someone out by Friday morning.
Not really satisfied with losing TV for a week, after I've already been stuck in my apartment for 4 days straight, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I didn't have a ladder or any tools to realign the dish myself, so I used a wooden cabinet to stand on and tiny computer plyers to work with.
As if the precariousness of this situation weren't enough, I had the added pleasure of post-hurricane mosquitos (the worst kind) and a neighbor's gas-powered RC car to keep me company. To show the absolute class this guy had, he saw me working on the dish before he took his little car out and knew I was trying to listen to the signal strength to fix the dish. Yet he continued racing his loud as fuck car around me without hesitation. When I was done, he put his little car away and went back inside.
It's times like these that I wish I could kill people with just a stare.
Anyway, that's about it for me. I hope that all my SGFL folk made it through ok, and to those that are evacuated right now I hope that all your stuff is still in one piece when you get home.
Your thread might have been a little better received if everyone was back from evacuation and would not personally prefer to just put it behind them! Heck, alot of people don't even have power... or they have power, but not cable service!