Not as well as I'd have hoped past self, the money and logistics weren't quite there last summer. A lot has happened since then though. I've traveled quite a bit domestically, and I've saved almost enough money to live off of for at least a year, so globe trotting is entirely possible now.
But I have to tell you past self, I'm still struggling with the same thoughts as you, except even more so. My feet aren't as itchy as yours, I kind of really like it here, and thoughts of settling are becoming more pronounced than they used to be.
Also, my sister might be moving here soon, and my parents aren't doing so well financially, so I may need to use the money for other things. I haven't given up on this goal though, I really have had some of the best times of my life traveling over the last couple years, and I think it can only get better when I expand my horizons.
So I'm gonna ask future self the same question, and hopefully he'll have a better answer than me. Thanks for the swift kick in the ass though, I needed that.
It seems I'm getting it from all angles recently. Matt's original video inspired my globe trotting plans in 2006 and I've been saving up ever since. Two days after I first posted this journal he released his new video, 14 months in the making.
In addition to the qualifications I already have, I basically got a job offer on a networking cruise we went on Saturday evening. Apparently they are super desperate for paralegals up there and are hiring them straight out of high school to train and educate on the job. Trouble with Canada is I'm fiercely loyal to my attorney. It's a damn shame.
I really don't know. I've done some bad/stupid shit in my life but still...I guess bad things tend to come in groups, I dunno.