Snowflakes fell today in Portland, the first snow to fall on Christmas in 18 years, only the fifth time in 63 years. It didn't stick below a few hundred feet and I live downtown, so I took the MAX a couple stops to the zoo which is 700 feet higher and enjoyed the winter wonderlandy atmosphere.

As I've only seen snow a few times, and never before a few years ago this would technically be my first White Christmas, so I can scratch that off my list of things to experience.
Other than that not much to report; my family is 3200 miles away and we don't really exchange gifts so this holiday doesn't really mean much to me. I've mentioned this in previous years, I'm not anti-Christmas, I'm just pretty apathetic to it and I'm usually relieved when things get back to normal.
I've been playing a lot of Portal lately, the first modern game I've played in about five years. It's really innovative and super fun, I've beaten the game like three times already, done all the advanced maps and most of the challenges, and have moved on to custom maps. The side effect of course is that I've had the song in my head for days now (thanks Wil).
I also had to reformat my hard drive and install Windows on my MacBook Pro to get it to run, and I've been in Windows for the better part of a week now which is a little disturbing, more so because of how well it runs. PC World claims the MacBook Pro runs Windows better than any PC laptop they've ever tested. Yikes.
It's also cured a lot of the recent wackiness I've been having with random shutdowns, WiFi and power management issues, leaving me to conclude that Leopard is to blame. Despite all the neat features I can't live without, upgrading was probably a bad idea.
So um, that's it. Hope everyone has a fun week.

As I've only seen snow a few times, and never before a few years ago this would technically be my first White Christmas, so I can scratch that off my list of things to experience.
Other than that not much to report; my family is 3200 miles away and we don't really exchange gifts so this holiday doesn't really mean much to me. I've mentioned this in previous years, I'm not anti-Christmas, I'm just pretty apathetic to it and I'm usually relieved when things get back to normal.
I've been playing a lot of Portal lately, the first modern game I've played in about five years. It's really innovative and super fun, I've beaten the game like three times already, done all the advanced maps and most of the challenges, and have moved on to custom maps. The side effect of course is that I've had the song in my head for days now (thanks Wil).
I also had to reformat my hard drive and install Windows on my MacBook Pro to get it to run, and I've been in Windows for the better part of a week now which is a little disturbing, more so because of how well it runs. PC World claims the MacBook Pro runs Windows better than any PC laptop they've ever tested. Yikes.
It's also cured a lot of the recent wackiness I've been having with random shutdowns, WiFi and power management issues, leaving me to conclude that Leopard is to blame. Despite all the neat features I can't live without, upgrading was probably a bad idea.
So um, that's it. Hope everyone has a fun week.
Yeah I work at VMware.