Why lobsters are cooler than you:
- They show no apparent signs of aging
- They can smell amino acids
- They eat their own molted shells (good source of calcium!)
- They can regenerate lost limbs
- They can be right or left handed
- Lobster blood is clear
- Their teeth are in their stomach!

- They show no apparent signs of aging
- They can smell amino acids
- They eat their own molted shells (good source of calcium!)
- They can regenerate lost limbs
- They can be right or left handed
- Lobster blood is clear
- Their teeth are in their stomach!

I myself would love to know if aardvarks are cooler, too. Any info on that? Any animal that starts with a double vowel like that has GOT to have some other secret niftiness that we're unaware of. Meetcha at the library for some aardvark research.