Assorted quotes from last weekend
"Are you naked on the internet like my daughter?"
-Venice's mom to Erica
"I am a Greek god; I will fuck your shit up."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy
"You're a very attractive man."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy to Venice's boyfriend
"But we talked..."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy after unbuckling his pants next to a napping Sloane
"We got skillz! That's skillz, with a z on the end!"
"I have to slap Erin in the face; it's her birthday."
-Erica using what I can only assume is drunken logic
"You girls look like models"
-Bartender uttering possibly the cheesiest (albeit technically true) line ever
"We wait all night for Erin!"
-Wouldn't you?
Assorted pictures from last weekend
For those of you in the Bespectacled Girls Fan Club (of which I am the president) this picture will probably get you all hot and bothered.

I apologize for ruining the picture with my mug. For most of the night I was the only guy, which either made me look like superpimp, or more likely the gay boyfriend.
Also, little known fact, that saintly glow shows up on top of Venice's head whenever you take a picture of her. It makes editing her sets kind of a bitch.

Venice likes to bite. Erica likes to be bitten. Perfect match.

And finally, one of my favorite signs ever. Oh drunk people, how I love you so.

Assorted video clips from last weekend
If you're wondering why they were slapping each other in the face, I have no answers for you. Though I do think this would be a great idea for a website.
"Are you naked on the internet like my daughter?"
-Venice's mom to Erica
"I am a Greek god; I will fuck your shit up."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy
"You're a very attractive man."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy to Venice's boyfriend
"But we talked..."
-Freaky weird bolo tie guy after unbuckling his pants next to a napping Sloane
"We got skillz! That's skillz, with a z on the end!"
"I have to slap Erin in the face; it's her birthday."
-Erica using what I can only assume is drunken logic
"You girls look like models"
-Bartender uttering possibly the cheesiest (albeit technically true) line ever
"We wait all night for Erin!"
-Wouldn't you?
Assorted pictures from last weekend
For those of you in the Bespectacled Girls Fan Club (of which I am the president) this picture will probably get you all hot and bothered.

I apologize for ruining the picture with my mug. For most of the night I was the only guy, which either made me look like superpimp, or more likely the gay boyfriend.
Also, little known fact, that saintly glow shows up on top of Venice's head whenever you take a picture of her. It makes editing her sets kind of a bitch.

Venice likes to bite. Erica likes to be bitten. Perfect match.

And finally, one of my favorite signs ever. Oh drunk people, how I love you so.

Assorted video clips from last weekend
If you're wondering why they were slapping each other in the face, I have no answers for you. Though I do think this would be a great idea for a website.
Thanks, darlin'. I miss you lots.