Most of us have microscopic, wormlike mites named Demodex that live in our eyelashes and eyebrows.
They have claws and a mouth.
For most of their existence the mites live head-down in a follicle feeding on secretions and general cell debris. As the mites develop they become tightly packed like cigars in a cigar drum.
When mature, the mites vacate the follicle to mate on the skin, and eggs are laid back inside the follicles. The six-legged larvae hatch after 3-4 days, and it takes about seven days for the larvae to develop into adults. The total lifespan of a Demodex mite is several weeks. The dead mites decompose inside the hair follicles or sebacious glands.
An estimated 96-98% of all people carry such mites, and with up to 25 in each follicle, each person can have a potentially huge population of mites. It is quite easy to look for your own demodex mites, by carefully removing an eyelash or eyebrow hair and placing it under a microscope.
They have claws and a mouth.
For most of their existence the mites live head-down in a follicle feeding on secretions and general cell debris. As the mites develop they become tightly packed like cigars in a cigar drum.
When mature, the mites vacate the follicle to mate on the skin, and eggs are laid back inside the follicles. The six-legged larvae hatch after 3-4 days, and it takes about seven days for the larvae to develop into adults. The total lifespan of a Demodex mite is several weeks. The dead mites decompose inside the hair follicles or sebacious glands.
An estimated 96-98% of all people carry such mites, and with up to 25 in each follicle, each person can have a potentially huge population of mites. It is quite easy to look for your own demodex mites, by carefully removing an eyelash or eyebrow hair and placing it under a microscope.
yeah i already read that.
the first mite looks like bacon.