However on the rare occasions that I do, particularly the old ones, the ones that haven't...
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Haha, it's not cowardice, I just simply have a limited number of spots for people I'm not completely indifferent to. I've found I really just don't like most people, and can only really care about a set number at any point in time, after that it's all a haze. I consider myself a reluctant misanthrope, I don't want to dislike people, they just give me no other choice. So really, it's the best I can do.
I wanted you to reread this again because I don't think this is what you are really like. Just saying.
She is however slightly redeemed for getting you in my cone of interest, so we can thank her for that.
Why a cone? Don't you know you should always assume interest is a sphere and write your equation from there (YES! THAT WAS A PHYSICS JOKE! YAHTZEE!)
Alright, new quest. Get me through my workday without work. Go.
P.S. SG should have a quest log function.
1) Per your fondness of Amandaism - the creator's website.
2) I definitely do not think I was meant to be a platinum blonde and now I am on my way to becoming my true self. I'm even second guessing it because I'm getting a lot of flack from friends about it. I know my hair should be all about me, but the criticism is pretty pointed - "that would look fucking bad." I just like to keep my hair interesting. It's a notable and definitive part of yourself that you can dramatically change impermanently.
3) M-Theory is the name of an independent record store in San Diego. I had no idea of its origins beyond that. A failure of my nerdiness, I suppose.
More to come...
I'm so awesome they named a summit after me. And not some whimpy one either, this thing is 8,543 feet tall. Where's your summit? Yeah, thought so.

Edit: And Jeebus, that article you link to is horrible! My dad and I are both border-line Asperger's. That poor kid

one of these days, we'll need to coordinate a hangout, sir. maybe lunch or something.
how're you doin, young man?
where did you end up staying?
- Mayo
I hadn't been feeling very social either so it's all good.