At last...
I have only been busting my ass and standing up for myself for how long now? Probably a good six to eight years now... And now I finally get a break. This tour has turned out to be a great learning experience as well as fun, but most importantly, has lead to almost financial freedom. It turns out that this tour for which I thought was a mere starting position, is actually something pretty substantial. Something that I have done well with and am receiving appropriate compensation for. As a general rule of thumb (never discuss rate of pay) I won't indulge you all, but all I will say is that it is finally nice to be paid what I am worth. A pay that will allow me to get my new apartment and blow off a lot of debt, at last! I found this all out yesterday. Exciting!
Having said that, as you can imagine, that made yesterday a pretty good day. Put on top of the already decent day of having drove from Ottawa to Quebec city. We stopped in Montreal and picked up some world famous Montreal bagels, fucking delish! Once in Quebec city, we scoped out the absolutely GORGEOUS theatre to see how well the 53' truck would load-in. While doing this, we noticed a substantial amount of tour buses at the venue, which was no real surprise. The monitor guy I am touring with then noticed someone he knew, turned out to be a FOH mix tech whom was at the venue doing Papa Roach. He invited us in for part of the sound check, and we were later given V.I.P into the show, which was cool. Before checking out the show, we went out for some delicious dinner which the tour manager graciously paid for, and then a couple nice beers. We hit up Papa Roach for the first few songs, then took off back to our hotel room... very cool.
Right now I sit in the beautiful theatre, during sound check, battling a phase issue between our subs and the VDosc subs that are part of the room. It is Eva's birthday, they just sang to her and gave her a cake while on TV. Good times!
Anyways, back to work!
Take care everyone...
~I miss you Kristen~
Edited to add a photo of the view outside of my hotel room in Quebec, QC at the Hilton;

I have only been busting my ass and standing up for myself for how long now? Probably a good six to eight years now... And now I finally get a break. This tour has turned out to be a great learning experience as well as fun, but most importantly, has lead to almost financial freedom. It turns out that this tour for which I thought was a mere starting position, is actually something pretty substantial. Something that I have done well with and am receiving appropriate compensation for. As a general rule of thumb (never discuss rate of pay) I won't indulge you all, but all I will say is that it is finally nice to be paid what I am worth. A pay that will allow me to get my new apartment and blow off a lot of debt, at last! I found this all out yesterday. Exciting!
Having said that, as you can imagine, that made yesterday a pretty good day. Put on top of the already decent day of having drove from Ottawa to Quebec city. We stopped in Montreal and picked up some world famous Montreal bagels, fucking delish! Once in Quebec city, we scoped out the absolutely GORGEOUS theatre to see how well the 53' truck would load-in. While doing this, we noticed a substantial amount of tour buses at the venue, which was no real surprise. The monitor guy I am touring with then noticed someone he knew, turned out to be a FOH mix tech whom was at the venue doing Papa Roach. He invited us in for part of the sound check, and we were later given V.I.P into the show, which was cool. Before checking out the show, we went out for some delicious dinner which the tour manager graciously paid for, and then a couple nice beers. We hit up Papa Roach for the first few songs, then took off back to our hotel room... very cool.
Right now I sit in the beautiful theatre, during sound check, battling a phase issue between our subs and the VDosc subs that are part of the room. It is Eva's birthday, they just sang to her and gave her a cake while on TV. Good times!
Anyways, back to work!
Take care everyone...
~I miss you Kristen~
Edited to add a photo of the view outside of my hotel room in Quebec, QC at the Hilton;
glad to hear things are working out.
Glad things are working out! Montreal bagels make everything better.