It is my new alias. It is a name I have taken on now. A name for online life, and my gothy life. I figured it suitable to have a second alias that best describes me.
Unfortunately I am somewhat forced to live two somewhat seperate lives. The first is my day to day life. This is the one that goes to work, runs errands, cleans the apartment, catches up with college buddies, wanders Toronto aimlessly. Then there is the inner me, the real me, the deep part of me. It is the "dark side" if you will. It is my inner goth. Up until this past year, the dark "gothy" me (let us call him "Acerbius", latin for "Darkness") has been trapped inside a mind that was polluted with the images of what a proper man should look and act like (not from family, but from society).
This past year and a half has been a serious mind opener. I have opened my mind, body and soul up to things that no one had ever expected of me. Through this, I have found myself. My true self being the little inner goth, Acerbius. He is exactly me, but happier, fuller of life and with a greater contentment with himself. As time goes on, I show him to the world more and more. He is slowly cracking through the shell that society built up around him. Soon enough, he will hatch entirely, bringing about a new (to some, because some have already seen through the cracks at what is inside) me... Acerbius.
My name still is, and always will be, Justin Schaefer... though I simply have a true alias... ACERBIUS ("a-sir-bee-us"). This alias defines and illustrates the true part of me, the one that is breaking out and will soon over come me, releasing me from the misery I have forced upon myself, and finally allowing me to be truly open, happy and content with life.
What else? My experiences in myself as Acerbius have made me not only happier, but I have found great inspiration for my arts. Further more, with the addition of my little dark mistress (Kristen), my motivation and drive in life have only been continuosly increasing!
Finally life is good...
It is my new alias. It is a name I have taken on now. A name for online life, and my gothy life. I figured it suitable to have a second alias that best describes me.
Unfortunately I am somewhat forced to live two somewhat seperate lives. The first is my day to day life. This is the one that goes to work, runs errands, cleans the apartment, catches up with college buddies, wanders Toronto aimlessly. Then there is the inner me, the real me, the deep part of me. It is the "dark side" if you will. It is my inner goth. Up until this past year, the dark "gothy" me (let us call him "Acerbius", latin for "Darkness") has been trapped inside a mind that was polluted with the images of what a proper man should look and act like (not from family, but from society).
This past year and a half has been a serious mind opener. I have opened my mind, body and soul up to things that no one had ever expected of me. Through this, I have found myself. My true self being the little inner goth, Acerbius. He is exactly me, but happier, fuller of life and with a greater contentment with himself. As time goes on, I show him to the world more and more. He is slowly cracking through the shell that society built up around him. Soon enough, he will hatch entirely, bringing about a new (to some, because some have already seen through the cracks at what is inside) me... Acerbius.
My name still is, and always will be, Justin Schaefer... though I simply have a true alias... ACERBIUS ("a-sir-bee-us"). This alias defines and illustrates the true part of me, the one that is breaking out and will soon over come me, releasing me from the misery I have forced upon myself, and finally allowing me to be truly open, happy and content with life.
What else? My experiences in myself as Acerbius have made me not only happier, but I have found great inspiration for my arts. Further more, with the addition of my little dark mistress (Kristen), my motivation and drive in life have only been continuosly increasing!
Finally life is good...

ooooh and a happy new year to you! hows 2007 treating you so far?
Isn't the alter-ego life interesting? I call the work week my Clark Kent days... weekends are rock star time. I wonder how many split personalities we'll all have in the end.