I got tagged by Martini...
So I kinda have to do this or else I will get zotted or something!
I have no idea how to do those cuts/spoilers... so here it is!
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) Get married
2) Have children
3) Visit most of the world
4) Experiment (take that any way cause every way is right)
5) Work on broadway
6) Make my own clothes
7) Produce an album
Seven things I can not do:
1) Cook (yet)
2) Sew well (yet)
3) Play most sports well
4) Gain weight (sorry! damn motabolism)
5) Relax and enjoy the single life
6) Play piano (yet)
7) Enjoy sex if the woman isn't
Seven things that attract me to Canada:
1) The politics (they may suck, but they beat everywhere else!)
2) The wilderness
3) The culture
4) My family & friends
5) Free healthcare
6) The generally liberal attitude of most people
7) You!
Seven things I say most often:
1) That's gay
2) Fuck that
3) You know what really pisses me off!?
4) So today...
5) God damned TTC!
6) I hate being alone
7) I love you
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) Johnny The Hommicidal Maniac
2) Squee!
3) Lenore
4) Meh
5) Meh
6) Meh
7) Meh
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) Matrix
2) Star Wars
3) Family Guy movie
4) No clue
5) No clue
6) No clue
7) No clue
I tag... DragonflyQueen, LaPetiteMonstre, and that's it cause I am a loser and have no friends
I got tagged by Martini...
So I kinda have to do this or else I will get zotted or something!
I have no idea how to do those cuts/spoilers... so here it is!
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) Get married
2) Have children
3) Visit most of the world
4) Experiment (take that any way cause every way is right)
5) Work on broadway
6) Make my own clothes
7) Produce an album
Seven things I can not do:
1) Cook (yet)
2) Sew well (yet)
3) Play most sports well
4) Gain weight (sorry! damn motabolism)
5) Relax and enjoy the single life
6) Play piano (yet)
7) Enjoy sex if the woman isn't
Seven things that attract me to Canada:
1) The politics (they may suck, but they beat everywhere else!)
2) The wilderness
3) The culture
4) My family & friends
5) Free healthcare
6) The generally liberal attitude of most people
7) You!
Seven things I say most often:
1) That's gay
2) Fuck that
3) You know what really pisses me off!?
4) So today...
5) God damned TTC!
6) I hate being alone
7) I love you
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) Johnny The Hommicidal Maniac
2) Squee!
3) Lenore
4) Meh
5) Meh
6) Meh
7) Meh
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) Matrix
2) Star Wars
3) Family Guy movie
4) No clue
5) No clue
6) No clue
7) No clue
I tag... DragonflyQueen, LaPetiteMonstre, and that's it cause I am a loser and have no friends

Why thank you for the comments on my tattoos. I like them as well

hehehe my boy can never resist me dressin up. he wants me to do in a set in what i was wearing. lol.