I will write in here more about me, my life and my daily adventures soon.
I guess a little about me, I have high hopes and dreams. And all of this takes a lot of work. Busy busy.
I go to school full time, 16 units, support myself with a full time job and still seem to have a social life.
I seem to write a lot, but never wanted to pursue it as more than just a menial hobby that seems to poke its head out now and again.
I have a cat named Liadan in which you can find in my photos section. Shes the love of my life.
I dont believe in relationships, at least not for me. Im not the marriage, kids and a white picket fence type.
And until I will grace you more with my everyday chatter, here is something I wrote a bit ago:
Manifest Destiny (Underneath Everything)
Nights like these are where I sit in front of the mirror and pinpoint the flaws in my life.
A soundtrack of broken dreams and unmended hearts play in the background.
He sings calm down or come down; sometimes I can't tell which but sometimes I don't care which.
The sea takes all of me and throws the caution out the window, we are not floating.
Tracing back the history with lipstick, the skeletons in the closet don cologne.
Is it amazing that I fall into this point on a semi regular basis or is it still surprising me?
The heart and stomach are connected at the same point but trying to overcorrect with the fumes of my lungs.
The in and out motion feels like what heaven is supposed to feel like to the mortals.
But when the smoke clears you can see past the reflection into yourself.
It's not the lungs, the soundtrack, the smoke, the mirrors that point out your mistakes.
As far as anybody can tell it's the shedding of excess that make you feel complete(ly useless).
All the paths I've chosen, followed, blazed trails of burnt bridges and dark past.
I want to tell them the house is empty but the forts are already pitched in the living room.
The point of no return on this charred landscape where I finally decide to come down.
I guess a little about me, I have high hopes and dreams. And all of this takes a lot of work. Busy busy.
I go to school full time, 16 units, support myself with a full time job and still seem to have a social life.
I seem to write a lot, but never wanted to pursue it as more than just a menial hobby that seems to poke its head out now and again.
I have a cat named Liadan in which you can find in my photos section. Shes the love of my life.
I dont believe in relationships, at least not for me. Im not the marriage, kids and a white picket fence type.
And until I will grace you more with my everyday chatter, here is something I wrote a bit ago:
Manifest Destiny (Underneath Everything)
Nights like these are where I sit in front of the mirror and pinpoint the flaws in my life.
A soundtrack of broken dreams and unmended hearts play in the background.
He sings calm down or come down; sometimes I can't tell which but sometimes I don't care which.
The sea takes all of me and throws the caution out the window, we are not floating.
Tracing back the history with lipstick, the skeletons in the closet don cologne.
Is it amazing that I fall into this point on a semi regular basis or is it still surprising me?
The heart and stomach are connected at the same point but trying to overcorrect with the fumes of my lungs.
The in and out motion feels like what heaven is supposed to feel like to the mortals.
But when the smoke clears you can see past the reflection into yourself.
It's not the lungs, the soundtrack, the smoke, the mirrors that point out your mistakes.
As far as anybody can tell it's the shedding of excess that make you feel complete(ly useless).
All the paths I've chosen, followed, blazed trails of burnt bridges and dark past.
I want to tell them the house is empty but the forts are already pitched in the living room.
The point of no return on this charred landscape where I finally decide to come down.
Welcome Darlin'.
Pop a little hole in the bottom of your vein and a fair amount of blood will escape and just wash around your arm. I don't hold it against her, she was a nice little lady. I'll even go back and let her try it again, once I'm able.