Right now I am on the best stage of my life!
I am very happy will all that is currently happening!
Some weeks ago, I noticed that during the last few years I have been so committed to my job that I forgot to spend time with the people I love, of course is not that I stopped going out or partying during those years; however, the thing is that I only started doing it with co-workers and some of my bosses..
Is not a bad thing you know, of course I love going out and having fun with the people I work with.. But.. I kinda forgot of all the other friends I met before work or my buddies from High School or College.. I totally lost connection with all of them and whenever they all tried reaching me to go out or go to friend's birthday party, the dates always collide with the days I had to work till really late and then get up early due to that on the next day I started at 6 a.m. or something like that.. So I told them that I needed to rest and that I could not go..
So I got sick of that! I was missing important moments of the people I care about.. And I was only like working and working and working.. Of course the money is good and all.. But it totally doesn't matter at all if you do not spend time with the people that is really important to you.. I even forgot my best friend's birthday, which was one of the things that made me snap out to reality and understand how dangerous dedicating to something for a long period of time will starting making your life something automatic or repetitive.. Which is totally not cool..
Right now I realized that I need to live my life to its fullest!
I have started going to the gym more frequently (to build up my Spartan body.. lol), going to the movies, partying till really late and going out a lot even though I have to go to work early on the next day and I don't care anymore how bad I am going to feel at work.. The fact that just going out and having fun with the people I care about is one of the most important things in the world for me and that is what I want to do all the time!
Life is incredibly short! So being worried all the time about money, work, love problems (lol.. that reminded me that I am still in LOVE with a person that I will never have a future with..
and that hurts me so bad, but I have to overcome that.. There are lots of women in this world and each of them are special and unique on their own way.. So I am sure someday I will find the right one and she will totally turn the world upside down when I met her
Anyways.. The thing is that right now I feel like I just born again and there is so much I want to do.. So from now on I will live every minute of my life as it was the last one!
Why? Because you never know what will happen next and if tomorrow I am going to still be here.. So I don't want to get to the point where I am seeing what my life was and notice that it was just work and work and no fun.. I will do my best to never let that happen!
Well.. This is going to be my first blog on SG and I hope you guys like it and that you start enjoying life the way it should be!
Being in this world is a gift given and we should enjoy every moment of it!

I am very happy will all that is currently happening!
Some weeks ago, I noticed that during the last few years I have been so committed to my job that I forgot to spend time with the people I love, of course is not that I stopped going out or partying during those years; however, the thing is that I only started doing it with co-workers and some of my bosses..
Is not a bad thing you know, of course I love going out and having fun with the people I work with.. But.. I kinda forgot of all the other friends I met before work or my buddies from High School or College.. I totally lost connection with all of them and whenever they all tried reaching me to go out or go to friend's birthday party, the dates always collide with the days I had to work till really late and then get up early due to that on the next day I started at 6 a.m. or something like that.. So I told them that I needed to rest and that I could not go..
So I got sick of that! I was missing important moments of the people I care about.. And I was only like working and working and working.. Of course the money is good and all.. But it totally doesn't matter at all if you do not spend time with the people that is really important to you.. I even forgot my best friend's birthday, which was one of the things that made me snap out to reality and understand how dangerous dedicating to something for a long period of time will starting making your life something automatic or repetitive.. Which is totally not cool..

Right now I realized that I need to live my life to its fullest!
I have started going to the gym more frequently (to build up my Spartan body.. lol), going to the movies, partying till really late and going out a lot even though I have to go to work early on the next day and I don't care anymore how bad I am going to feel at work.. The fact that just going out and having fun with the people I care about is one of the most important things in the world for me and that is what I want to do all the time!
Life is incredibly short! So being worried all the time about money, work, love problems (lol.. that reminded me that I am still in LOVE with a person that I will never have a future with..

Anyways.. The thing is that right now I feel like I just born again and there is so much I want to do.. So from now on I will live every minute of my life as it was the last one!
Why? Because you never know what will happen next and if tomorrow I am going to still be here.. So I don't want to get to the point where I am seeing what my life was and notice that it was just work and work and no fun.. I will do my best to never let that happen!
Well.. This is going to be my first blog on SG and I hope you guys like it and that you start enjoying life the way it should be!
Being in this world is a gift given and we should enjoy every moment of it!

So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!
