I dont care what anyone believes, as they long as they keep it to themselves. Thats the common refrain of modern religious apathy. When spoken today, the phrase is seen as the politest way to accept the apparently delusional beliefs of other religious groups. It is actually a stunning insult wrapped in so many layers of gentility and ignorance that even the deeply passionate miss its implications.
For one to say that one does not care what anyone believes is to say that other people simply do not matter. Others are welcome to have their little delusions, but they are so obviously foolish as to be beneath consideration. These other people are making tremendous assertions about the nature of reality, our lives, the question of mortality, and the concept of goodness, but their prattling falls on deaf ears. I dont care what anyone believes.
Not only does the proverbial I not care, I isnt interested in discussion. I doesnt even want to hear these other ideas. There can be no debate, no education, no greater understanding. To I, your ideas are so far beneath consideration as to be unworthy of vocalization. Moreover, I asserts, you are a lost cause. You are not rational or intelligent enough to be convinced by any argument, and so I is untroubled by your fate. You are beneath concern.
Beliefs determine actions. Religion is the codification of beliefs. Thus, it is monumentally important that we understand religions if we are to understand why people act as they do. This is not a world of egos floating past one another with no impact or friction. We are trapped together in a world made ever smaller and more vulnerable by technology. I want to know about you, I want you to know about me, and I want us to understand each other. Ideally, Id like for us to come to an agreement. Failing that, at least we can know why we disagree.
In Genesis 8:21, the Bible reports the following:
The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.
This innocuous passage was read by Representative John Shimkus on the March 25, 2009 hearing of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. He cited this passage as the reason for his disbelief in the scientific fact of anthropogenic climate change. I do believe Gods word is infallible, unchanging, perfect, he added. I believe him. I want to know why he believes that. I want to know what actions those beliefs spur. Rep. John Shimkus did not violate the social pact by vocalizing the fact of his beliefs. He did us a favor. We understand his goals and his motives.
Ideally, Id like to convince John Shimkus that his understanding of reality is fundamentally flawed, and that he needs to revisit his worldview. While I do not expect that to happen, as his worldview no doubt has layers of emotional infrastructure both supporting and relying on it, I would gravely insult him to say that he is not worth addressing. The United States was conceived through the ideals of the Enlightenment, which revered the metaphor of the Marketplace of Ideas. To fail to engage John Shimkus and his like would strangle the marketplace and result in an intellectual depression.
To an extent, we can see signs of that depression on the horizon. Whether because of outdated economic models or misplaced priorities in the general populace, journalism is a matter of popularity rather than accuracy. The politest discourse does not include anything about ones most core beliefs. And while we have greater access to information than at any time in the history of humanity, sheer laziness and emotion lead us to either ignore or reject the available data.
We laud neutrality. We imagine that somehow those who stand removed from debates are above those debates, and that those with opinions and beliefs are like squabbling children.
Im spiritual, but not religious.
All politicians are corrupt.
My problem with religions and atheism is that theyre so certain.
I dont care what anyone believes, as long as they keep it to themselves.
This is not maturity. This is not grace. This is not balance. This is apathy, ignorance, arrogance, and laziness all laid bare. This is virtue only in its absence of depravity. This is the childish cry of disinterest at the prospect of education. This is naked cynicism.
Beliefs matter. Religion matters. I care what you believe, and if I think you are wrong I will tell you why. I have enough esteem for humanity to trust that you will hear me, and I will do you the same courtesy. Our emotions may lead us to become heated, possibly to exchange insults. After our discussion, we may even feel that the others opinions are not worth consideration. But at the very least, weve extended each other the courtesy of due process prior to reaching that verdict.
I care what you believe, and I don't want you to keep it to yourself.
Some threads just get like that.