It's getting to that point where I actually do feel like an old person. I had to give a friend of mine a talk about men the other night, and used the phrase, "As you get older..."
She's twenty-three. And she didn't even fucking flinch as I said it. She nodded along, as if to say, "I have no objections to the fact that you just portrayed yourself as substantially older than me, because that is clearly true."
Also, the older I get, the more I feel like I'm hilariously unqualified to have an opinion on anything. And yet, I keep having them. I guess because I so rarely see anyone else who's any more qualified. I'd say the vast majority of us should just shut the fuck up and let the smart people run things, but that never seems to work out. Besides, I'm not qualified to tell people what to do you see what I did there??
My humor's getting worse, too. Here's a Facebook post I put up, of which I am hideously proud:
She's twenty-three. And she didn't even fucking flinch as I said it. She nodded along, as if to say, "I have no objections to the fact that you just portrayed yourself as substantially older than me, because that is clearly true."
Also, the older I get, the more I feel like I'm hilariously unqualified to have an opinion on anything. And yet, I keep having them. I guess because I so rarely see anyone else who's any more qualified. I'd say the vast majority of us should just shut the fuck up and let the smart people run things, but that never seems to work out. Besides, I'm not qualified to tell people what to do you see what I did there??
My humor's getting worse, too. Here's a Facebook post I put up, of which I am hideously proud:
Statistically speaking, it's a near certainty that someone has had to carry the corpse of a recently killed loved one while wearing an "I'm With Stupid" T-shirt.
Less a joke, more a statement of fact.

Yes, but you may be underestimating the value of stating facts in a humorous and clever manner, I think. Some folks have built whole careers on that.