What a boring-ass life I lead...sit around at the coffee shop, sit around and watch movies, sit at restaurants and watch my friends eat because I have no money. I think we are all hanging out at Waldo's place tonight, so maybe that will be fun...I can play with the kitty. Shooting is planned for Wednesday...guns, that is...and maybe tonight we'll shoot some photos to put up here. I turned in my application at the grocery store...PLEASE give me a job!!! Talk atcha later...

Tell Maynard I said hello, fire a round for me... and what happened to AmeriCorps?
(OK - edited once to change AmeriCrops to AmeriCorps... and edited a second time to note that sitting around doesn't equal skinny, but not eating does!)
[Edited on Mar 22, 2004 1:19AM]
[Edited on Mar 22, 2004 1:21AM]