Congratulations to all those who figured out my new name. I guess the rest of you just don`t care. In other news...I spend $50 on music yesterday. I got the new Fiona Apple (excellent), The Tossers (also excellent), the Jimmy Eat World EP (very good, although the remix of Drugs or Me is kinda weird), and the new Straylight Run EP. That one is good, but a lot different than their other stuff. The cover of Bob Dylan`s With God on Our Side is really good. Last night I hung out with some friends in BG. We ended up playing pool at Howard`s, and a certain person that I don`t like was, of course, there. Seriously, can I go there just once and she not be there? I kicked some ass at pool though, and the bands were pretty good. I wish I could have seen Red Knife Lottery, but we left before they played. On the way home I had some flirty time with my hopeless crush. I don`t know why I`m so hot for this guy. I mean other than the obvious he`s hot and funny and super cool. I mean because he`s taken, and I don`t want to date anyone anyway, cause I`m still all fucked up from the last one. It`s just a pastime, but the more I hang out with him the more I like him. But he`s probably moving a few states away in the next month or two, so then I won`t have to worry about it anymore. Obeypabst invited me to go with him and his friend to the Burlesque show in Pittsburgh next weekend, but I won`t be able to go cause there is no way I can take a Sunday off work. Balls. I`ma go read now.
i think i would die if i was allergic to kitties! it's so sad but they are practically my reason for living.