It's that time of year again, an update. I had a beard, I shaved it off, I'm gonna grow it back, maybe this time with some wolverine styling, maybe not. Been shaving my head for around 6 months, maybe more, now I'm gonna grow it back, I have a couple of weddings to take part in later in the year so i decided to look not so much like a thug. With hair comes the realization that I have more grey hairs than last time I checked, it doesn't really bother me, just kinda odd and interesting.
I haven't been doing a lot lately, mostly hanging out, spending time with Sebastian, he'll be six in may, pretty exciting. Here's a couple of semi-recent photos, cutest thing ever.
I quit playing world of warcraft, at least for now, I'm actually surprised how much free time I have now even though I still manage to play plenty of video games. I've been reading a fair bit aswell, the stand out of late would have to be Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis is a genius. I've seen a lot of good movies aswell, I have a mega crush Ellen Page after watching Juno 5 times, but I found time to watch Stardust, Across the Universe, Superbad which is funny as hell and Deathproof. I've watched a hole bunch of other things but I don't seem to be able to remember them right now. Other than that I've been pretty bored, going out of my mind bored, soo soooooo bored.
There's other exciting things coming up, just not sure when, but they include taking a trip to Melbourne, getting tattooed again and moving house. I also plan to start writing more, maybe write something decent this time, hopefully. Well, until next time, have fun!
I haven't been doing a lot lately, mostly hanging out, spending time with Sebastian, he'll be six in may, pretty exciting. Here's a couple of semi-recent photos, cutest thing ever.

I quit playing world of warcraft, at least for now, I'm actually surprised how much free time I have now even though I still manage to play plenty of video games. I've been reading a fair bit aswell, the stand out of late would have to be Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis is a genius. I've seen a lot of good movies aswell, I have a mega crush Ellen Page after watching Juno 5 times, but I found time to watch Stardust, Across the Universe, Superbad which is funny as hell and Deathproof. I've watched a hole bunch of other things but I don't seem to be able to remember them right now. Other than that I've been pretty bored, going out of my mind bored, soo soooooo bored.
There's other exciting things coming up, just not sure when, but they include taking a trip to Melbourne, getting tattooed again and moving house. I also plan to start writing more, maybe write something decent this time, hopefully. Well, until next time, have fun!
hows things going down in a-town man ?