So here I have been trying to figure out how to "create" what I want to say about myself. And I think that was it. These things are sometimes about just "creating" what we want to be or represent. That, my friends, is the most interesting thing in itself. I find that most things in life are creations of what should be or what can be, but are in fact not really it. Advertisements, commercials, the BLING BLING......History...See and the last one through you for a loop. Because the real deal is this, it is odd news man. We have been doing this representation thing for thousands of years. Read Ceasars conquests through out the Celtic empire, even he has distorted the truth. We are all humans trying to wear masks of some sort. Fanon was right in his books, and it would be fascinating to see if there was a study on Blogs and "real" life. There is more to this diatribe but it shall come in spurts.