Well, Drew and I are now official residents of Asheville, North Carolina! This was also our 7th month of trying to get knocked up!! Wish us luck!!
Well, Drew and I are on our 4th month of trying to get pregnant! Wish us luck! I hope I get knocked up this month!!

happy happy happy birthday my sweety have a great day ......today ...a funny birthday and ...sorry ...can i have a slice of your birthday cake???

Have a fantastic Birthday!
I haven't updated in a super long time...I just haven't felt like it. I've been rather depressed of late and not from anything I can really put my finger on. It's very frustrating. At least if I knew what was making me sad I could try and fix it. We are moving to NC in April...I'm very excited about that. I can't wait to move...
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have fun moving. good luck with the depression, i know how ya feel. it gets better, it always does. yin and yang.
best wishes and luck
hope nc is great for ya
hope nc is great for ya

My head hurts...its been a long day. But Christmas is soon and thats exciting. We are going to go down to North Carolina to visit my family. Hopefully we will be moving to NC in April when our lease runs up. I'm so excited!! I miss it...
hey girl, happy late new year, heh oooo i miss N.C, thats a beautiful place.. anyways hope this finds you doing well *smiles*
I am so jealous - I have had my dog for over 14 years and she has never let me dress her up.
Well I'm married!! The wedding coulnd't have been more perfect. The weather was perfect, the food was perfect, the ceremony was perfect, everything was perfect. We also went to Hawaii for a week! It was awesome. I'd never even been on a plane before then! I had so much fun, I really didn't want to come back. But now we get to start our normal...
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congratulations miss carr

Conga-rats and woot woot! (I know, belated, but who cares woot woot!)

So its Saturday, the day of my bachlorette party, and I'm a little nervous. I don't really like being the center of attention, plus my little sister planned the whole thing, so who knows what I have in store. Last week was my bridal shower, which was enjoyable and only slightly akward. I was having fun until I got the call that my fiance had...
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Just enjoy it, it's not like you get to have many in your lifetime....well not for most people
Here's hoping you have a great time

Here's hoping you have a great time

Did you get married or not? Inquiring minds want to know.


How did you do that?
And how did I recognize you?
And how did I recognize you?
hey! i just accepted your friend request on myspace too! yup i think faerie is from salem too! yay for local girls!
Ok, so along with the brand new couch we just got last week, Drew and I went out and bought a $520 TV tonight. I was really excited, we are going to have so much new stuff in our new apartment now, but like seconds after I signed and paid for it, the guy DROPS it on the ground. Granted it was like a foot...
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Happy Birthday...there was a song to go with it, but the clarinet player choked on a raisnet...there's always next year.
it would be an honor and a privilege!
plus... it's how meaney's gonna renew my account.

plus... it's how meaney's gonna renew my account.

My new couch came today...I am very excited. Its so big and pretty and brown. I will take pictures later.
On another note, I haven't seen one of my cats all day long...not since about 11pm last night and I'm begining to get really worried.

On another note, I haven't seen one of my cats all day long...not since about 11pm last night and I'm begining to get really worried.

new couch christianing, woohoo!!! can we have pictures of that too
have you checked under the house....im presuming you live in a house & not a flat so forgive my ignorance, I've known cats to do that in storms and the like. Just a thought. Hope you find your cat *finger crossed*

have you checked under the house....im presuming you live in a house & not a flat so forgive my ignorance, I've known cats to do that in storms and the like. Just a thought. Hope you find your cat *finger crossed*

So here I am...sitting around the apartment, all by my lonesome. Its not really all that bad, I'm just being whiny, and its only a week and a half until Drew will be here permanently. I have a chance to get stuff done that I really needed to. Extra credit school work and what have you. I just miss having someone to talk to, other...
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Wow that dog that guy posted above this looks JUST like the dog I had when I was married. Deformed right ear and all.
Anyway, that's kinda freaky.
Baths are always a good idea...

Baths are always a good idea...
my dog talks to me.... is that bad...

My fiance Drew and I moved into our first apartment together this weekend. We love it, its everything we could ask for. We moved about 45 minutes away from where we were living and from where Drew is going to school. But since Drew doesn't graduate until May 6th, and I'm going to school close by our new home, I have to live by myself...
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congrats on the move and the great place
aww. well at least yall are close by -hugs you-
hope you two are reunited soon and we see ya both around
ew three weeks of unpacking. ew

aww. well at least yall are close by -hugs you-
hope you two are reunited soon and we see ya both around

ew three weeks of unpacking. ew

three weeks of unpacking? thats alot of shit!
I'm sick, yuck. Sinus infection or something. Anyway, I'm going to get my wings tattoo tomorrow. I'm really excited, I've been waiting so long to get it done. I'll post pics either tomorrow night or Saturday. There, you have something to look forward to.
thanks for the inspiration in the "omg..." thread. love the excitement of new tatts. hope you get better soon

Asheville is okay, in that many of the people who live here are completely insane and so I get by pretty easily. I once asked a woman for directions and she looked at me like I was crazy and told me she didn't know what I was talking about. I went about two blocks further, trying to get where I was going, turning corners and everything, and she was suddenly there again tapping on my shoulder. Out of the blue, she gave me five dollars and told me to get myself some ciggarettes. I decided that I like this place.