Got my half sleeve finished today. Turned out fucking awesome. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Its a little too late tonight to go through that whole process.
School is absolutely ridiculous right now. Reading three hundred page a week for classes is just ridiculous.
I also decided to switch my name to acanthostega.
You also need to watch "The Guild" because it is fucking awesome.
I also decided to switch my name to acanthostega.
You also need to watch "The Guild" because it is fucking awesome.
300 hundred pages wow. Well sounds like it's going well. I'm glad. Thank you. I'm hanging in there just taking life as it comes and as always looking at the brighter side and just laughing at some of the craziness that is life.
okay well here goes nothing. I've been away for quite a while... about five weeks to be exact. Had a work trip that was amazing!! Lived in Petrified Forest National Park and did some archeology... which i love. lol.
Regardless.... i met a girl while i was down there that was amazing. She was a little bit older than me... eight years to be exact,...
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Regardless.... i met a girl while i was down there that was amazing. She was a little bit older than me... eight years to be exact,...
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I'm finally back home. I'll be posting a big update here soon.
yay! hope your trip was great!
So it looks like i'm going to Arizona for a month. Leave tomorrow at 5 am and i have twelve hours in the car before we reach our first stop of Raton, New Mexico. Than on Tuesday I have another six hour drive into Arizona to Petrified Forest National Park.
This is where i'll be staying. Actually living in the park with the staff for...
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This is where i'll be staying. Actually living in the park with the staff for...
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Oh did you tell the regional group that you needed a new owner? They might be able to help.
awesome sir =) have fun!
I got in an argument with a girl tonight because she thought that the board game catch phrase would cost more to replace than the carpeting of her apartment. This basically started because i was bored as shit at this party and was tossing some of the catch phrase cards to my buddy (who was about five feet away) so he could read them. She...
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some people man, there is just no reasoning with them. I hope she was intoxicated that way there is a slight but valid excuse for her blatant idiocracy.
Lol wow. I wouldn't mind getting kicked out of that party either if she was flipping out like that. Its moments like this when I worry about the future of humanity...
Sorry to anybody who used to read my blog... i just have not been in the mood to write about myself. Mostly due to the fact that i hate myself more and more as of lately.
*free internet hugs here!*
Is everything alright?

*free internet hugs here!*
Is everything alright?
*hug* Well I like you.
This summer is so boring. I am seriously considering a second job just for something to do on nights and weekends.
Any suggestions to spice up this summer? lol.
Any suggestions to spice up this summer? lol.
Read a book I'm not sure. Take up a hobbie of something you've wanted to do but never got the chance to do it.
Yes...the ball was a blast. Lots of really cool and interesting people. Can't wait for next year!!
Yes...the ball was a blast. Lots of really cool and interesting people. Can't wait for next year!!
Its been a while since i gave a real update... so here goes.
The last week has been insane. 8 days ago i left for a work trip up to Badlands National Park. That was a nice nine and a half hour drive. The park was gorgeous... didn't get a whole lot of pictures since i forgot my camera but i got one on my...
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The last week has been insane. 8 days ago i left for a work trip up to Badlands National Park. That was a nice nine and a half hour drive. The park was gorgeous... didn't get a whole lot of pictures since i forgot my camera but i got one on my...
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Such a crazy week!! Going to relax right now and i'll have a big update coming soon.
Spent the day at the beach... It was actually really fun and relaxing. Lots of sun, warmth and reading. Overall a really good day. Lets see how the night turns out.
Also, i am craving another tattoo or maybe a new piercing.
Also, i am craving another tattoo or maybe a new piercing.

Awesome!!! What are you thinking of getting?
Ughhh.... This week is going so damn slow. This is ridiculous.
I love those lyrics too.
Hey It's almost the end of the week yay!!!

I love those lyrics too.
Hey It's almost the end of the week yay!!!
You def need to post pics of your finished ink!!