I miss the Summer! I know, many of you are at this Seasons and that's why I want to show you some pictures from my last summer, but here in Brazil it's Winter, can you believe it? 😭
It's so cold in here, but when I see the photos and remember the warm sun hitting my body I already feel a little warmer! lmao 🤣
Summer is simply my favorite Season, I love being able to wear a short outfit, walk around the park and have an ice cream. Or wear a beautiful bikini, go to the pool and have a refreshing drink! And I confess that I'm not a big fan of tan lines, but I always get that 🤣
And the beaches??? I'm completely in love with Brazilian beaches, I can't wait to be there again! Now, tell me: what are you doing or are you going to do this summer?
Xoxo, Acami 🦊