Imagine this scene: you are surfing the internet when you find pictures of tattooed women, colored hair, super beautiful, sensual and full of attitudes, you discover that they are SuicideGirls! Identified with that scene?
That's how I got to know this world, I didn't even know what it was yet and I already wanted to be part! So I started researching more and more about these "SuicideGirls" and found several models in my country, close to me!
The cool attitude of those who don't care for the opinion of others that the girls passed through was my inspiration, I had been judged many times in my life but I was tired! I finally found my inner peace, and sent everyone's opinion about me, about my choices, about my style, about my life FAR AWAY FROM ME and that's how I realized I was ready, and so I joined this wonderful family that surprises me more and more.
I'm grateful to all that SuicideGirls has given me before I even joined the community! And I wonder how many good things have happened to so many people in 19 years of SuicideGirls. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY and CONGRATULATIONS on this very welcoming and inspiring place β€οΈπ
@missy @rambo @sean @jacqueline