Yeah, I never did read the book (Elegant Universe), I've wanted to for a while now. Does it go into details about the 11 dimentions, or does it focus more on the Graviton?
I've heard of Caligula, another movie I have to see (I like Malcom McDowell), and yeah, you could say I get into that. Ever hear of Marquie De Sad? I think that was the title. It's been a couple of years.
Oh, and my interest in Anceint Egypt is it's whole culture. From the dieties they worshiped, to the slaves routine harvest. I've been teaching myself hieroglyphs. It's alot, of fun, but it is hard, because I have no one to talk to in Anceint Egyptian.
I've heard of Caligula, another movie I have to see (I like Malcom McDowell), and yeah, you could say I get into that. Ever hear of Marquie De Sad? I think that was the title. It's been a couple of years.