there is a pull
and i open
a shift in the self
and i am there
aware of
of something new.
birthing pains
pleasures unknown
this landscape
escapes me
even as i
extend my reach.
finger tips and
finger dips
lips like honey
glisten with dew
eyes close
i remember to breathe.
another tug and
a violent heat
rising, falling,
thrusting my awareness
out of time
into you.
i open, i open
pressing, squeezing,
pleading -
you know my need
brief fear flutters
i open to you.
and i open
a shift in the self
and i am there
aware of
of something new.
birthing pains
pleasures unknown
this landscape
escapes me
even as i
extend my reach.
finger tips and
finger dips
lips like honey
glisten with dew
eyes close
i remember to breathe.
another tug and
a violent heat
rising, falling,
thrusting my awareness
out of time
into you.
i open, i open
pressing, squeezing,
pleading -
you know my need
brief fear flutters
i open to you.
1 or 2?