heh heh i just put together a wish list on amazon. i can hope that random people online are secretly in love with me and have more money to spend than i do so they will buy me delightful things.
I would love to just come hang out all day and just smoke and eat and watch movies, but we are moving tomarrow
Since you have nothing to do tomarrow...ehhem......
you should come by and pick up the trampaleen, or however you spell it. Or just come by to kick it with me to keep me sane. I am not looking foward to moving at all........
So yeah.....well if all else fails, I will defenately take you up on that offer when we are finished. I dunno when we will be done, but it shouldnt take too terribly long. I am gonna need a good long smoke session when we are done. I met some hippy dude that lives above us tonight, so thats cool. He prob smokes weed too...yay for stoners ::sigh::
so. umm. to the random people who don't even know me and are trying to get me to update this shit: (not you daryll, you're actually a friend,) i have a journal elsewhere on the web that i update. not this one. i came here to look at naked chicks, nothing more.
oh, and my BOYFRIEND would like to say a hearty fuck off for... Read More
Even tho I could just call ya... I agree with him...
PS: Tanks for havin me over on youse guyses b-day ceremonies... twas awesome seeing you again after such a long lapse. That, and now I can't get the salute your shorts themesong outta my dome. grrrrrr.....