So... I got a place... I'm moving in this weekend.
On that note... where I am living won't have access to cable internet... so unless dial up is cheap I won't have the net from now on. My cell will also not work when I'm at home because I don't have cell service out there.... I am going to be living in a cabin on 10 wooded acres that is in the middle of nowhere... going to be very creepy at night... hopefully I can find a full time graveyard job... right now I'm working at night part time... I really don't want to be alone in that cabin at night.... it will scare the piss out of me... lol
Ok I quit typing... and now I'm finishing up....
I did some figuring and my bills should work out to about 700 dollars a month. Which means I need 8 dollars an hour and 30 hours a week in order to survive.... Or... 8 dollars an hour and 40 hours a week to have my bills paid and $300 to save every month. Or more dollars an hour... lol I also need to find my damn camera cord so I can do photosets and turn them in and hopefully I get accepted so I can like take 20 photosets a fuckin month... one of them is bound to get accepted right? That would be extra money too.
My bills will be...
$238 - Rent
$50 - Power
$30 - Internet (if available)
$25 - Post Office Box
$50 - Animals
$35 - Phone
$80 - Food
$100 - Gas
$90 - Car Insurance
and every 3 months I'll have a $175 bill for birth control. Bleh.
I'll have to get a full time job quick as fuck. I have no furniture what so ever... Well I take that back... I have a mattress. But that's it... I have some of those plastic drawers from Wal-Mart. Oh and the coffee table. But no sofa, no tv stand... no real bedroom furniture... no dining table... no chairs... no lamps... so if anyone feels like donating to the poor Rachelle/needa sofa fund... my paypal email address is
Yeah buddy.
Not expecting any donations but hey can't blame a girl for trying... And who knows... maybe if you are nice and do donate there will be something in it for ya.
Alright well... I'll try to update one more time before I won't be able to get online... Hopefully I'll be able to get some kind of internet out there but you can't even get cable tv so it isn't looking too good. *sigh* I hope this all works out... or I'm screwed.
So what is everyone else up to? And... any ideas on making money aside from a regular job?
On that note... where I am living won't have access to cable internet... so unless dial up is cheap I won't have the net from now on. My cell will also not work when I'm at home because I don't have cell service out there.... I am going to be living in a cabin on 10 wooded acres that is in the middle of nowhere... going to be very creepy at night... hopefully I can find a full time graveyard job... right now I'm working at night part time... I really don't want to be alone in that cabin at night.... it will scare the piss out of me... lol
Ok I quit typing... and now I'm finishing up....
I did some figuring and my bills should work out to about 700 dollars a month. Which means I need 8 dollars an hour and 30 hours a week in order to survive.... Or... 8 dollars an hour and 40 hours a week to have my bills paid and $300 to save every month. Or more dollars an hour... lol I also need to find my damn camera cord so I can do photosets and turn them in and hopefully I get accepted so I can like take 20 photosets a fuckin month... one of them is bound to get accepted right? That would be extra money too.
My bills will be...
$238 - Rent
$50 - Power
$30 - Internet (if available)
$25 - Post Office Box
$50 - Animals
$35 - Phone
$80 - Food
$100 - Gas
$90 - Car Insurance
and every 3 months I'll have a $175 bill for birth control. Bleh.
I'll have to get a full time job quick as fuck. I have no furniture what so ever... Well I take that back... I have a mattress. But that's it... I have some of those plastic drawers from Wal-Mart. Oh and the coffee table. But no sofa, no tv stand... no real bedroom furniture... no dining table... no chairs... no lamps... so if anyone feels like donating to the poor Rachelle/needa sofa fund... my paypal email address is
Yeah buddy.

So what is everyone else up to? And... any ideas on making money aside from a regular job?
damm it!'m moveing back to lewiston in sept.
are you gonna visit?