DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET GOOD SYNTH BANGS MADE? Ash tell me you know.. lol but yeah I've decided I'm chopping my hair off... haven't decided if i want something to mess with besides bangs or if I just want to buzz everything but the front... long in front... but i wanted to try fake bangs before i go all the way and cut them to see what i'd look like... perhaps Betty Page bangs maybe.. who knows I'd have to look around.. but yeah anyone know? and don't say Dr Locks cuz they just stopped doing custom fringes...
thanks people

uhm, Ive been looking for good synth bangs for quite some time and the best I can tell you is tomake them yourself. I could make them for you if u sent me the hair u wanted to make them 

duuuuuuude, Ive been trying to figure out how to sell shit on eboy for ages now! I have dozens and dozens of stuff to sell that would earn me a few hundred dollars!!! I just dont know how to set up an account or how it all works