well I'm not homeless yet. yay. lol I don't know... Note: I love my puppy heh. other than that I got really really fucking sick. probably should have went to the hospital but I hate doctors. make a long story short... i was puking constantly. at one point for about an hour I lost all motor skills and couldn't talk or walk or anything.. i had to be carried in the house because we were in the bronco. my chest and stomach hurt so fuckin bad i wanted to die. it was horrible. grr at being sick. i'm alright now.. I have a cold and my chest hurts every once in awhile... it's been a couple days over a week since i was that sick so everything feels much better now.. but I gotta go get ready to get my license picture taken. i finally passed the fuckin written test... driving test was easy but that written test is a bitch because they put trick questions on there.... for example.... If four cars stop at the same time at a four way intersection who has the right away? and the answer is the car on the right but everyone is on the right of everyone else. bah on people. but yeah ok bye people
i'm sorry
just tell the sickness to go away. it will work.