To stand before the void vulnerable by choice her voice her call so soft to hear she calls me an I follow standing before eternity I watch what I can only understand are the souls of those forever lost unclaimed unloved forever to suffer in their chosen hell. I can feel her touch gently caressing my face as though a lover would she takes my arm pulling me ever closer to the edge of forever.
swirls of neon green purple red an black circle this pool of souls. As she gives me one final tug I look back regretting nothing.
As I sink to the bottom I see the scavengers scurrying swimming surrounding me an as they slow my descent. I feel them taking hold of my legs my arms an without warning my body begins to dissolve I feel no pain as my physical form is broken down to its core element I close my eyes an allow them to do what they do best... an consume....
As I lay there my body dissolving I feel her embrace as she swims up behind me both her hands on my chest she whispers that I am not like the others that I am different that I cannot simply be destroyed. Her head now resting against my back her minions begin to reform my body they had broken down.
And just like the other she stakes her claim over my soul as she sends me back on through the void a parting gift she embeds within my chest a reminder that she is always there.