Hello Hello Everyone !
My Baby @syndrae tag me in her blog in few days. Ans now it,s time to Q&A Time !
Are u ready ? Let's go !
1) I’m allergic to: Litteraly, nothing. I hate hypocrisy and dishonesty.
2) My pet peeve is: I hate the spiders. Really, it's a big big big phobic. It's not possible for me to spleep with a spider in the room.
3) I hate the smell of: Les choux de Bruxelles (Brussels sprouts). I feel like throwing up. And Fish. Beurk.
4) I’m most scared of: To gest sick. I'm terrifie to get a cancer or an other sickness. I don't no why because we had zero cancer in my family. I think i'm verry terrified to loose my parents. I'm afraid when this moment will come.
5) I can’t stand the sound of: chalk on the black board. HORRIBLE SOUND IN MY LIFE.
6) People who: play a role. I hate the manipulators.
7) I don’t like how: I hit my little toe against my coffee table. You know what i mean ?
8) The most boring sport to watch is: Glof. Nothing to say.
9) The word that most irritates me is: Croute, Pus, Moignon. In the same time. In english : crus, sanies, stub. I don't know why but i hare these words.
10) The most stressful thing for me is: The abondonment. Many peoples leave me in my life and I'm afraid to loos my girlfriend and my friends.
11) I don’t like about me:
1: My belly. I never had a flat belly. It's my big complexe. But with the time, i accept my body.
2: My lack of self-confidence.
3: My emotions. I work a lot to controls them and at the same time, to show them.
NOOOOOO GOOGLING ALLOWED. Use your own brain power. Every answer must start with the first letter of your MIDDLE name. THIS IS HARDER THAN YOU THINK.
Drink- Coca
Place- Camden
SG or Hopeful you 💗- @leelou , @blackamber (PINK NOW PLEASE), @syndrae ( new hopeful), @mist, @eveowl, @espiona, @pialora. All this girls are my friends <3.
Food- Clémentine
Animal- CAT
Girl Name- Callie
Boy Name- Caleb
Profession- Cameraman
Describe someone- I don't knooooooow
Body Part- Chest
My Middle Name is Cynthia
1. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail at anything? I think i want to help someone in need.
2. How are you really? I Have my periods. So it's not a good day. But mentally i'm very fine.
3. How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do? Be Honest. Always.
4. Why are you worth knowing? I DON'T KNOW. May be because I'm a good friend and i try do advise my best for my friend and the person who i love.
5. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Now xD
6. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you? i don't know sorry.
7. Who lights you up? My Wife and my cat hihihi

8. What lights you up? A Brunch. I love food. ALL FOOD.
Hope you're like this blog. My english is a little so bad , sorry for that. :'(
My next set goes up very sooooon. Stay coonect !
It's you're turn right now : @eveowl, @espiona, @ayah, @matoushka, @mist <3
The Q&A Templates
1) I’m allergic to:
2) My pet peeve is:
3) I hate the smell of:
4) I’m most scared of:
5) I can’t stand the sound of:
6) People who:
7) I don’t like how:
8) The most boring sport to watch is:
9) The word that most irritates me is:
10) The most stressful thing for me is:
11) I don’t like about me:
NOOOOOO GOOGLING ALLOWED. Use your own brain power. Every answer must start with the first letter of your MIDDLE name. THIS IS HARDER THAN YOU THINK.
SG or Hopeful you 💗-
Girl Name-
Boy Name-
Describe someone-
Body Part-
My Middle Name is
1. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail at anything?
2. How are you really?
3. How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?
4. Why are you worth knowing?
5. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
6. How do you treat people who can do nothing for you?
7. Who lights you up?
8. What lights you up?
@eirenne @missy @lemon @penny