hello everyone i am drunk as hell....and decided to stop by and say hello to all of you whom i love......well i suppose i cant type very well on rum so i think i will go now...man i feel like i am even slurring in type.....
anywho.... and i just learned and or realized that cheesecake is deffinately more of a pie than a cake...and i should know considering i love cheesecake and or cheesepie...well i believe i have sufficiently confused myself and all of you so ta ta......
and once again the face i love so much over and over again...

don't you just love drunken debates

Yeah intoxication is fun but I'm not sure if I remember what it's like. Stuck in Iraq, and the Army, no alcohol in the deployment zone rule, can lick my ass. Btw, you're photoset rocks. I'm new to the site sorry.