Sorry guys...i didnt mean to take so long to say hi again....but i have been really sick this week in and out of hospitals and what not...but here i i decided i am going to tell all of you how horrible a rectal ct scan is...oh man does that suck ass i wouldnt wish what i am about to tell you on any living there i was in excrutiating pain and the doctor decides he absolutely needs to see all of my insides as soon as the sick fuck orders for them to shove this wonderfully UNlubricated balloon up my i have had my fair share of ass play but that was just wrong...anywho they blow up this balloon that is tucked away nicely in my rectum and fill my entire colon with water so they can take lots of pictures...hooray
...then the ct tech says to me "you know celebrities pay a lot of money to get this done" and look at him and muster up the words "well they are fucking stupid" and so ends the most miserable experience of my 19 years on this planet.....sorry for all the graphic details but i had to tell why not all of you..haha.....later gater

Holy shit...I don't know how I missed your set. You are so beautiful...I love your style, and you seem like such a cool person. Can't wait to see what comes next!

i promise there will be another set ....very very soon ...scouts honor...