I have a funny story that recently happened to me...pretty shitty..but still pretty fuckin hilarious...so there i was walkin up this big ass hill to work, now i had just gotten off the public transportation and decided to walk up the road to my work instead of taking the foot path because that was covered in approx. 4 ft of snow....so there i am lighting up a cigarette and this van pulls up within inches of the back of my legs and honks a good three times... so being completely startled i fall down into the god awful 4ft of snow in my scrubs and work shoes then the asshole skids out in the snow hurtling down a monstrous amount of slush onto my once dry clothing and drives away...so to that person i hope you die in a horribly ironic death like drowning in snow or something....

How rude! I wonder if that person would like it if someone did that to their mother. Have some fuckin respect.
ill get em for ya