I had a great story about why i hate the internet and how I came to believe this way all typed up and ready to go right in this very spot, and then i hit the wrong key and the whole thing disappeared two sentences from the end, grrrr........so now i am sorry but you have to miss my lyrical tyrade about the internet with all of its wit and whimsy, and settle for this: myspace sux and it slowly devours your soul and diminishes all social skills that we have tried so long to aquire and master....other things such as SG, email, and research are good to have around and prove some use....these things are what brought me back to the internet, but i will forever make it my mission to destroy myspace.....
.....on that note have a fantastic day *mwah*

dont forget FOX......i'll miss family guy and the simpsons but sacrifices must be made...mwahaha