not to sound cold or like a dick or anything but --
I now have a new reason to not give two shit's let alone a single fuck -- about any teenager, victim of ecstacy, or rich person in a glass house afraid of the boulder; nor any dealers of it. Every time you have an ecstasy pill or support the industry you're supporting the killing off of an endangered tree species of Asia:
Sassafras Oil
something that's as shameful as those other chemicals you're putting in your body. The same stuff is used to produce the other drug I have a cold heart toward for it's victims and dealers: Meth.
So, Jib-Tech's and druggies abroad please, I insist deal with your problems or have fun like the fucking pussies you are. You will not see me shedding a tear for your lose -- instead my saliva and urine on your grave --
The only application I can see MDMA being used properly is a therapeutic one in much the same nature as hallucinogenics are used by shamans to cleanse the soul, plus they wouldn't have to tear down an endangered tree to make it.
in the spirit of being the hard egded moral truth I end in a qoute:
"He's an idiot. He's dead. Good! We lost a moron? Fucking celebrate. There's one less moron in the world."
- Bill Hicks
I now have a new reason to not give two shit's let alone a single fuck -- about any teenager, victim of ecstacy, or rich person in a glass house afraid of the boulder; nor any dealers of it. Every time you have an ecstasy pill or support the industry you're supporting the killing off of an endangered tree species of Asia:
Sassafras Oil
something that's as shameful as those other chemicals you're putting in your body. The same stuff is used to produce the other drug I have a cold heart toward for it's victims and dealers: Meth.
So, Jib-Tech's and druggies abroad please, I insist deal with your problems or have fun like the fucking pussies you are. You will not see me shedding a tear for your lose -- instead my saliva and urine on your grave --
The only application I can see MDMA being used properly is a therapeutic one in much the same nature as hallucinogenics are used by shamans to cleanse the soul, plus they wouldn't have to tear down an endangered tree to make it.
in the spirit of being the hard egded moral truth I end in a qoute:
"He's an idiot. He's dead. Good! We lost a moron? Fucking celebrate. There's one less moron in the world."
- Bill Hicks