thanks, mate ... I've had my fair share o'trials, to be certain, but I've come out smiling most o'the time.
even with damage from car accidents, losin' far too many friends, bein' attacked and robbed and cheated and lied to... I'm still standing. I like to joke that it would take a semi bearin' at me full-boar for me to think about duckin'.
it's when I see the demn fools give up when they've still got so demn much that I just end up shakin' my head and tellin' 'em 'sorry, definately can't help ya now.' *shrugs* whattya do?
even with damage from car accidents, losin' far too many friends, bein' attacked and robbed and cheated and lied to... I'm still standing. I like to joke that it would take a semi bearin' at me full-boar for me to think about duckin'.
it's when I see the demn fools give up when they've still got so demn much that I just end up shakin' my head and tellin' 'em 'sorry, definately can't help ya now.' *shrugs* whattya do?