Bored bored bored bored bored bored. I gotta date this weekend with blake, we're going to see "Big fish." Should be fun. i relized you can go out with a million people and never go on a date. thats what makes blake so great ^_^ Anyways, I'm on a mission to find as much square pusher as i possibly can on vynal for curtis. Figures a tweaker would like that abstract gabber techno stuff....although i like and i'm not a tweaker... hmmm maybe it means i should be. nah. We're thinking about throwing our own rave out in the everglades except only lasting one night considering we wouldnt be able to afford 3, Mark has a generater that he could hook up all his equipment too, and hes making some phone calls to find a good DJ to headline for us, instead of just andres and the local Dj's. well for anyone that lives in ft.laud i'll know more about it next week and let you guys know whats up. if you even care.

sounds interesting!!
