today was a pretty good day. went to the mall and put money on some credit card gift certifacit thing so i can go shopping online, too irresponsible for a real credit card, i dont need a leash to hold me down. This guy jesse who i think likes me says he bought me a gift and i can expect it in the mail...i have a feeling its a bullet belt. that would be nice. I've been drinking all day today. probably not good for my health but whatever. i also think i'm getting a cold. i'm still trying to figure out what to do for new years. probably just going to watch james and mark spin at lumonics. i think i'm gonna make a shirt out of this blue seran wrap i found in katies car. they wraped me in it today and my friend jeremy took about half an hour trying to get it off me, i was trapped. hate it when that happens. it was fun tho. well i'm gonna go shopping on the INTERNET now. byebyes
blake gets back from south carolina in 4 more days YAY!
blake gets back from south carolina in 4 more days YAY!