Late last night, I've accidentally fried my Oberheim Cyclone arpeggiator by using the wrong polarity tip on my universal power adapter (negative instead of positive!). This piece of late 80's hardware is rare as hell and pricey. FML. I have my MIDIpal, but the arpeggiator on that thing is uninspiring, bland and preset driven (I can't edit my own arp sequences!). Sigh.
More Blogs
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Why hasn't this damn year ended yet? -
Friday Dec 21, 2012
This is what happens when you post an ad in the missed connections se… -
Sunday Dec 02, 2012
I've just posted a new synth track on Soundcloud earlier today. Be fo… -
Monday Nov 05, 2012
I've just deactivated my okstupid account until next year (or maybe n… -
Thursday Aug 09, 2012
I've just made a couple new friends last Tuesday! A cute 20 something… -
Saturday May 12, 2012
Portland, OR looks very enticing. -
Friday Apr 27, 2012
I've just bought myself a keyboard amp from ebay and will be getting … -
Sunday Dec 18, 2011
People of SG! Stop friending me without reason or explanation (this i… -
Saturday Nov 26, 2011
My sister's iBook G4 is acting crazy! I installed a refurbished DVD d… -
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Facebook is down for maintenance! Woo Hoo!