Yup...Bloodflowerz rock...especially the lead singer
she so purdy. But yeh, they have awesome lyrics...you want some more, I can chuck some up
That just happened to be the song I was listening to at the time. Fathers Day there huh? I think ours is in September. I'm so happy its winter here, I LOVE the cold so much more than the warm. Way easier to get warm than to get cool
Lack of Air-Con is Evil evil evil!!!!! At work I have no Air-Con and no heating...whatever the temp outside, is the temp inside the loading bay...grrr sucks in winter, sucks in summer. I get used to the cold though I must admit. So yeh. Not envious of your hot humidity! I think there is only one place I don't mind it being hot and humid, and it ain't outside
lol. ahem. Talk to you sooon!

JESUS that clown gave me a fright